Resolving ORA-12505: TNS Listener Does Not Currently Know of SID

Understanding the Cause
Step-by-Step Solutions
Example Scenario


The ORA-12505 error in Oracle typically occurs when the listener does not recognize the SID (System Identifier) specified in the connection descriptor. This can prevent clients from establishing a connection to the Oracle database instance.

Understanding the Cause

The main causes of ORA-12505 include:

  • Incorrect SID: The SID specified in the connection string does not match any registered SID in the listener's configuration.
  • Listener Configuration: The listener configuration (e.g., listener.ora file) does not include an entry for the SID or the service name requested by the client.
  • Service Name vs. SID: Confusion between the service name and SID. Oracle can use either a service name or SID for connection, but they must be correctly specified and configured in the listener and database.
  • Network Issues: Network-related problems such as incorrect network configurations, firewalls blocking the connection, or incorrect port settings can also lead to this error.

Step-by-Step Solutions

To resolve ORA-12505, follow these steps:

1. Verify the Listener Configuration

Check the listener configuration to ensure it includes an entry for the SID or service name that the client is attempting to connect to.

2. Check the Database Instance

Ensure that the database instance is up and running and that it is registered with the listener. Verify the SID or service name used in the connection string.

3. Correct the Connection String

Double-check the connection string in your application or client configuration file. Ensure that the SID or service name specified matches the one registered in the listener.

4. Restart the Listener

If you've made changes to the listener configuration, restart the listener to apply the changes:

$ lsnrctl stop
$ lsnrctl start

5. Test the Connection

After making the necessary changes, test the connection to verify if the ORA-12505 error has been resolved.

Example Scenario

Scenario: You attempt to connect to an Oracle database using SQL*Plus or a custom application, but encounter the ORA-12505 error.


Check the listener.ora file to ensure the SID or service name is correctly configured. If necessary, update the listener configuration to include the correct SID or service name. Restart the listener and test the connection again.


ORA-12505: TNS Listener Does Not Currently Know of SID is a common Oracle error that occurs due to misconfigurations in the listener or database connection string. By understanding the causes and following the step-by-step solutions provided, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this connection issue, ensuring seamless connectivity to your Oracle databases.

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