Resolving FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"

Understanding the Cause
Step-by-Step Solutions


PostgreSQL is a robust and highly extensible open-source relational database system. However, users often encounter errors, one of the most common being 'FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"'. This error prevents users from accessing the database and can be frustrating. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide on understanding and resolving this error.

Understanding the Cause

The error message 'FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"' typically indicates an issue with the authentication process. Here are the most common causes:

  • Incorrect Password: The password entered is incorrect.
  • Non-Existent User: The specified user does not exist in the PostgreSQL database.
  • Misconfiguration: Issues in the pg_hba.conf file that defines the authentication methods.
  • Connection Problems: Network or connectivity issues preventing authentication.

Step-by-Step Solutions

To resolve the 'FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"' error, follow these steps:

1. Verify Username and Password

Ensure that the username and password you are using are correct. You can do this by attempting to log in with the same credentials through a different client or by resetting the password.

ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';

2. Check the User Existence

Confirm that the user exists in the PostgreSQL database.

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = 'username';

3. Review pg_hba.conf Configuration

The pg_hba.conf file controls client authentication and is crucial for allowing connections. Check this file for any misconfigurations.

# Example of pg_hba.conf entries
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5

After making changes, reload the configuration:

SELECT pg_reload_conf();

4. Network and Connectivity Issues

Ensure that there are no network issues preventing access. Check firewall settings and network configurations.


Example 1: Incorrect Password

If you encounter the error due to an incorrect password, reset the password as follows:

ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'correct_password';

Example 2: pg_hba.conf Misconfiguration

If the error is due to a misconfiguration in pg_hba.conf, ensure the file contains appropriate entries:

# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 md5


Resolving the 'FATAL: password authentication failed for user "username"' error in PostgreSQL involves verifying user credentials, checking user existence, ensuring proper configuration in pg_hba.conf, and addressing any network issues. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this common authentication error, ensuring smooth and secure access to your PostgreSQL database.

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Last updated in July, 2024

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