Retrieving Index Information in PostgreSQL

SQL Query to Retrieve Comprehensive Index Information
Explanation of the Query
Example Output
Index Information of a specific Table


Indexes play a critical role in database performance. They help speed up data retrieval operations, allowing your applications to run faster and more efficiently. In this blog post, we will look at how to retrieve detailed information about indexes in PostgreSQL, including table names, index names, uniqueness, index types, and more.

SQL Query to Retrieve Index Information

The following SQL query provides comprehensive details about indexes in your PostgreSQL database:

    t.relname as table_name,
    i.relname as index_name,
    ix.indisunique as is_unique,
    am.amname as index_type,
    array_to_string(array_agg(a.attname order by array_position(ix.indkey, a.attnum)), ', ') as column_names,
    ix.indnatts as number_of_columns,
    ix.indnkeyatts as number_of_key_columns,
    ix.indisvalid as is_valid
    pg_index ix
    inner join
    pg_class t
        on t.oid = ix.indrelid 
    inner join
    pg_class i
        on i.oid = ix.indexrelid 
    inner join
    pg_attribute a
        on a.attrelid = t.oid
        and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
    inner join
    pg_am am
        on am.oid = i.relam
    t.relkind = 'r'
group by
order by

Explanation of the Query

Let's break down the query step-by-step to understand what it does:

  • t.relname as table_name: The name of the table to which the index belongs.
  • i.relname as index_name: The name of the index.
  • ix.indisunique as is_unique: Indicates whether the index enforces uniqueness.
  • am.amname as index_type: The type of the index (e.g., btree, hash).
  • array_to_string(array_agg(a.attname order by array_position(ix.indkey, a.attnum)), ', ') as column_names: A comma-separated list of column names that make up the index.
  • ix.indnatts as number_of_columns: The total number of columns in the index.
  • ix.indnkeyatts as number_of_key_columns: The number of key columns in the index.
  • ix.indisvalid as is_valid: Indicates whether the index is valid.

The query joins several system catalogs (pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute, and pg_am) to gather all the necessary information about the indexes and then groups and orders the results for better readability.

Example Output

Here's an example of what the query output might look like:

table_name | index_name   | is_unique | index_type | column_names  | number_of_columns | number_of_key_columns | is_valid
users      | users_pkey   | true      | btree      | id            | 1                 | 1                     | true
orders     | orders_idx   | false     | btree      | user_id, date | 2                 | 2                     | true
products   | products_idx | false     | hash       | name          | 1                 | 1                     | true

This output shows details about indexes on the users, orders, and products tables, including whether they are unique, the type of index, the columns involved, and whether the index is valid.

Index Information of a specific Table

This query retrieves the index names and their definitions for a specific table. Replace 'table_name' with the actual name of your table to get the relevant index details.

  tablename = 'table_name';


Understanding and managing indexes is crucial for maintaining the performance of your PostgreSQL database. By using the query provided in this blog post, you can easily retrieve detailed information about the indexes in your database, helping you to optimize your queries and ensure efficient data retrieval.

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Last updated in December, 2024

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