Resolving Syntax Error at or Near "Keyword" in PostgreSQL

Understanding the Cause
Solutions and Examples


PostgreSQL is a powerful relational database management system known for its robust features and SQL compliance. However, when writing SQL queries, users may encounter errors, one of the most common being syntax error at or near "keyword". This blog post aims to help you understand the causes behind this error and provide practical solutions to resolve it.

Understanding the Cause

The error syntax error at or near "keyword" indicates that there is a problem with the syntax of your SQL query. This can happen due to several reasons:

  • Incorrect Syntax: A mistake in the syntax structure of the SQL statement.
  • Reserved Keywords: Usage of PostgreSQL reserved keywords without proper quoting.
  • Missing or Extra Punctuation: Missing commas, parentheses, or quotation marks.
  • Unsupported Features: Using features or constructs not supported by PostgreSQL.

Solutions and Examples

To resolve the syntax error at or near "keyword" in PostgreSQL, follow these solutions:

1. Check for Syntax Errors

Carefully review your SQL query for any syntax errors such as missing or extra punctuation marks, incorrect keyword usage, or improper structure.

-- Example: Incorrect syntax
SELECT * FORM table_name; -- Incorrect "FORM" instead of "FROM"

Example: Correcting the syntax error:

SELECT * FROM table_name;

2. Use Quotation Marks for Keywords

When using PostgreSQL reserved keywords as identifiers (such as table or column names), enclose them in double quotes (""). This prevents PostgreSQL from interpreting them as keywords.

-- Example: Using a reserved keyword as a table name without quotes
CREATE TABLE order (order_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY); -- Error: "Syntax error at or near 'order'"

Example: Using quotes to correct the error:


3. Verify PostgreSQL Version Compatibility

Ensure that the features and SQL syntax used in your query are supported by the version of PostgreSQL you are using. Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for version-specific SQL syntax guidelines.


The syntax error at or near "keyword" in PostgreSQL can be effectively resolved by identifying and correcting syntax mistakes, using quotation marks for reserved keywords, and ensuring compatibility with PostgreSQL versions. By following the solutions outlined in this guide, you can debug and fix common syntax errors in your PostgreSQL queries, ensuring smooth database operations and query execution.

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Last updated in July, 2024

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