Resolving Operator Does Not Exist: type1 = type2 Error in PostgreSQL

Understanding the Cause
Solutions and Examples


When working with PostgreSQL queries, you may encounter the error message 'operator does not exist: type1 = type2'. This error occurs when PostgreSQL cannot find a suitable operator to compare two different data types (type1 and type2) in your query. This blog post explores the reasons behind this error and provides practical solutions to resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Cause

PostgreSQL requires compatible operators to compare data types in SQL queries. When you see the error 'operator does not exist: type1 = type2', it means that PostgreSQL does not have an operator defined that can handle the comparison between the specified data types (type1 and type2).

Common causes for this error include:

  • Different data types used in the comparison, such as numeric vs. text, date vs. integer, etc.
  • Custom or user-defined data types that do not have corresponding operators defined.
  • Incorrect usage of operators in SQL queries.

Solutions and Examples

To resolve the 'operator does not exist: type1 = type2' error in PostgreSQL, follow these solutions:

1. Cast or Convert Data Types

Use the CAST() or :: operator to explicitly convert one data type to another before comparing them.

-- Example: Casting to compare different data types
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name1 = column_name2::int;

2. Use Appropriate Functions

Instead of using operators directly, use PostgreSQL functions that are compatible with the data types you are comparing.

-- Example: Using functions to compare data types
FROM table_name
WHERE DATE_PART('year', date_column) = 2023;

3. Create Custom Operators (if necessary)

If you frequently need to compare custom data types, consider creating custom operators and functions in PostgreSQL to handle these comparisons.

4. Check Column Data Types

Ensure that the columns you are comparing have compatible data types. Use the PostgreSQL pg_typeof() function to verify column data types.


The 'operator does not exist: type1 = type2' error in PostgreSQL indicates a mismatch in data types or the absence of appropriate operators for comparison. By applying the solutions provided in this guide, you can effectively address and resolve these errors in your PostgreSQL queries, ensuring smooth and error-free database operations.

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Last updated in July, 2024

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